Recently 2011 Airtel has launched its 3G service at Chennai & Coimbatore in Tamilnadu.To enjoy the Airtel free 3G first we need to convert 2G SIM into 3G SIM.Contact your neared retailer and convert 2G sim into 3G one.Next your handset must supports for 3G,if you are not sure about your 3G handset then conform it by searching over Internet or go through the User Manual Guide.
How To Activate Airtel 3G?
After you converted the Airtel 2G Sim into 3G Sim then Activate the Airtel's Exclusive 3G service by sending message as 3G to 121.After some time you will get confirmation message from Airtel saying Airtel 3G service has been activated on yuor mobile Number.The charges of 3G in tamilnadu is as same as the Mobile Office Charges(30p/20KB).Remember currently Airtel has launched its 3G service at Coimbatore and Chennai in Tamil Nadu.
After you received the Airtel 3G mobile Office settings than just open the following URL in the address bar:
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